Health and beauty- All natural.

Today I want to share with you all the importance of eating healthy. our body, skin and hair require a lot of nutrients to stay healthy and perfom exceptionally well. There are lot of products in the market which work for that purpose, I mean the multi- vitamins and many different supplements for many diffrent purposes. I have seen people who have gotten results from them too. But, I pesonally like to take them from natural products and by natural I mean fruits and veggies. Well, hold on guys.. I am not about that life of eating all healthy and no fast food..uh uh..Not at all!!! Give me a slice of pizza with that extra cheese and girlllll..I am all for it !! Eating healthy doesn't  mean that you have to give up what you love and not enjoy your food. You just have to figure out a way to include them in your regular diet.

I am going to tell you how I do it and why I do it. Eating a raw veggie is not something I particularly..a fruit is still ok though. So, I drink it. what I like to do to get my dose of nutrients is I juice it almost every day. I take 2 fruits ( any kinda fruits), I usually put in half a banana and apple/kiwi/pear and add in a veggie and blend them. The veggies I put in are Kale, spinach or celery. I don't add in sugar or milk.

Also Check out what 'KALE' can do for you. If you don't find kale where you live, spinach and celery have almost the same nutrients. 

Why I do it is beacause its quick and you get all things healthy in one drink! It's a great way to start
off your day. You can just pour it into a to-go cup and sip it as you go about your day. After a while you do see the the results. Your skin becomes glowyand clear, your hair gets healthier and you just feel good. It also helps you to lose weight. Also, it is always good to put in natural things into your body. I love it and I encourage you all to try this out for a few days too. There are one too many recipes for healthy smoothies on the internet guys. Go ahead and try some!

Thanks for stopping by guys!



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