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Thursday, December 4, 2014

3 tips to help you lose weight faster

Sometimes it is little changes that you make in your lifestyle that could make all the difference. I have a few easy tips that will not only help you shed a few extra pounds but will also put you into a healthier lifestyle. In a world of temptations it might be a little hard to jump into the healthy lifestyle bandwagon but, you can take some simple steps to see results slowly but most definitely. Here are three choices you can make right now to help you lose weight

1.Don't underestimate the power of water

Yes, I know you all must have heard it a bazillion time by now, but it's true. Water is very essential for the body. Water helps flush toxins out of the body. Just think about it, taking a shower is important for us to be clean right? So, by drinking enough water you clean the inside of your body. Water also helps accelerate your metabolism which in turn helps in weight loss. If you are already a good 'water drinker' then you are on the right path! But, if you are like me & tend to forget this step, here are two ways to start it right away

  • Squeeze some lemon into a large glass of water & make it the first thing you put in your tummy in the morning.
  • Crush some ginger into a warm glass of water with some lemon juice & drink it before you go to bed (this drink also helps you de-bloat)

2. Don't forget your greens: 

Don't get scared of this. You really don't have to go all fruits & veggies for life. Just make sure you inculcate them into your food somehow. Have fruits for breakfast & veggies for dinner. Just add in an apple or strawberries with your breakfast & a green salad with your dinner at first & slowly build up from there.
Here are some yummy breakfast smoothie ideas from ReadersDigest you can try.
Here is a recipe for a great green smoothie to kick start your day. Trust me starting your day with a healthy breakfast makes a huge difference & you will definitely see results in no time.

Give your body what mother nature has to offer. We are beings of the nature too so we will definitely be compatible with what it has to offer.

3. Move your body:

If you go the gym great! If you feel some "gymtimidation" then start with taking a walk every other day if not every day.

I love walking! Here is an app that helps me walk the walk called "Map my walk" for ios & android. It will help you keep a track of the distance, speed of your walk & the calories you burn.

These are 3 simple tips but trust me, these will help you more than you think they will. These tips not only help you in weight loss but will also put you into an overall healthy mode.  Hope these tips help & please share in the comments if you have any great tips.
Thank you so much for your time gorgeous!

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